Visualization of a 3D scroll wave by following the spiral tips on all planes to form a vortex filament, whose curvature, twist, and torsion can be measured. This movie shows how the vortex filament is obtained at a fixed time by showing the spiral at different depths through tissue. The filament color indicates the local twist. AVI FormatBreakup of a 3D scroll wave due to twist instability in a medium with rotational anisotropy. See F.H. Fenton and A. Karma, Chaos 8, 20-46 (1998) and Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 481-484 (1998). AVI FormatBreakup of a 3D scroll wave due to negative tension in isotropic tissue in the low excitable limit. See V.N. Biktashev, A.V. Holden, and H. Zhang, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 347, 611-630 (1994). AVI Format
Once multiple vortices are present, the dynamics can become quite complex.Vortex rings can be created by conduction block and disappear. AVI FormatCreated vortex rings can fuse with other vortex filaments with matching phase. AVI FormatA vortex ring can be created by a filament pinching off a small portion of itself. AVI Format
Breakup of a 3D scroll wave by patchy failure due to discrete effects (coarse spatial resolution). Nine evenly spaced parallel layers from the epicardium to the endocardium are shown. AVI Format