Ionic Models - Atrial
Courtemanche-Ramirez-Natel Model for Human Atrial Cells - One Cell
Human Ayrial Cell, 1998
Nygren-Firek-Clark-Lindblad-Clark-Giles Model
Human Atrial Cell - 1998 - One cell
Ionic Models - Neuron
Hodgkin-Huxley Model - One Cell
Axon Nerve - 1952
Ionic Models - Purkinje
Noble Model
Purkinje Cell - 1985 -Single Cell Model
Di Francesco Noble
Purkinje Cell - 1985
Ionic Models - SinoAtrial
Rabbit Centre Sinoatrial Cell, 2000
Rabbit Periphery Sinoatrial Cell Model, 2000
Ionic Models - Ventricle
Luo-Rudy 1 Model for Ventricular Cells
Guinea Pig Ventricular Cell - 1991
Luo-Rudy Dynamic (LRd) Model for Ventricular Cells
Guinea Pig Ventricular Cell - 2001
Fox-McHarg-Gilmour Model
Dog Ventricular Cell - 2001
Hund-Rudy Model
Dog Ventricular Cell Model - 2004
Priebe and Beuckelmann
Human Ventricular Cell Model - 1998
Bernus-Wilders-Zemlin-Verschelde-Panfilov Model
Reduced Priebe and Beuckelmann
Human Ventricular Cell Model - 2002
Human Ventricular Cells - 2004
Human Ventricular Cell Model -2004
Phenomenological Model
Human Ventricular Cells - 2005
Bueno-Orovio-Cherry-Fenton Model
Human Ventricular Cells - 2011
Simplified Models
Karma Model for One Cell
Generic Cardiac