This applet is used to simulate the activation of rabbit central sinoatrial myocytes using the 12-variable H. Zang, A.V. Holden, I. Kodama, H. Honjo, M. Lei, T. Varghese and M.R. Boyett model (Am. J. Physiol. 279: H397-H421, 2000) Using the applet, the auto-oscillatory myocyte can be simulated for various lengths of time and the final APD and DI are calculated automatically. In addition, it is possible to visualize the currents and gate variables.
Click "Start" to start the simulation. Use "Replot" to replot on the screen once a check box has been selected or a new value has been entered in the boxes. Use "plot Currents" to plot the various currents of the model.
Things to try:
Check the effect of blocking some of the currents (from 0% to 100%).
Click in the Ascii check box to obtain the voltage signal as a function of time. (Note that the larger the signal, the longer it takes for the window to appear.)